Monday 16 December 2019


We are doing 3 actives from Summer learning journey.

1 comment:

  1. Mālō e lelei Tu'amelie,

    This is a great post. I love all the images of food and the colour it adds. the top most image looks really tasty. :P You've got a really healthy list here of fruits and meat with some sausages and cookies for a treat. Great stuff.

    I hope you've enjoyed the tasks you've done so far and have a look at the other fun SLJ activities you might want to try. I’m looking forward to seeing your next post.

    Daniel :D


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Apple Pie

 Apple Pie Recipe: Ingredients: 1. 2x Apples 2. Silver Tray between 2-3 people 3. 1/2 Flour 4. 50 grams of butter 5. 2 desert spoons of suga...