Wednesday 18 December 2019

Day 3. Activity 2. Summer learning journey work.

Kia ora bloggers this is a famous basketball player and this is summer learning journey work and what basketball player would you autograph.


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  2. Kia Ora Tu'amelie
    Good job on this task, Tu'amelie! I like how you kept it a little simple when decorating, making the text easier to read.

    Sounds like LeBron James has many things to be proud of! He is a very successful basketball player. Did you know he shoots mostly with his right hand even though he is left-handed? Kind of crazy, right? I'm right-handed and I don't think I'd ever be able to write with my left hand. It makes my handwriting hard to read.

    LeBron James and rapper Jay-Z even have their own secret handshake. I used to have my own secret handshake with my friends.

    Have a nice day,


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