Tuesday 10 August 2021

Reflective Reading

 Reading Reflection Term 2, Week 3 

In my class, my group is reading a book called “ Four of a kind”. And also learning how to answer/ask questions.

 My question for the book is “Is netball only for girls” and my answer is no, it’s for every gender. Boys can play netball because sport doesn’t only matter on gender.

 Also Four of a kind is a story that if netball is only for girls, A person named Caesar is a boy who plays netball and he was in a netball team. He started getting so confused because he was the only boy in the netball team. He started asking questions Whea Melanie “why are there no boys”. Then Whea Melanie started telling him about netball is not only for girls, it's for every gender. 

After Whea Melanie told Caesar, Caesar was so excited that he realized that netball is not only for girls, it can be for boys.

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